Beer Holidays in January 2025

Beer Blog Holiday

Today is the first day of 2025 and, in our opinion, that’s the perfect day to enjoy our first beer of 2025. (Though we fully support and encourage individuals participating in Dry January, we will not be joining y’all this year.) If you’re waiting for a holiday or special occasion to crack open a cold one, here are three beer holidays in January. 

National Hangover Day - Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

I don’t love that this unofficial beer holiday is the first of the year, because I celebrate it a little too much for my liking. Hangovers are not fun, but they are interesting. According to studies, New Year’s Day is the most hungover day of the year (which is not surprising). What is surprising is what other studies have found, which is that the actual amount of alcohol consumed and/or blood alcohol levels (BAC) is not the most important factor in determining if someone will have a hangover. Instead, researchers suggest that perceived drunkness (subjective intoxication) has the largest impact on the occurrence and severity of hangovers. And here I thought it was all dehydration. 

Baltic Porter Day - Saturday, January 18, 2025

We owe this January holiday to some beery cultural exchange, and the weather more than 200 years ago. In the eighteenth century, brewers from the Baltic region enjoyed a British-brewed porter and liked it so much they decided to brew some themselves. When they realized that the colder weather of the Baltic area would mean longer fermentation times, Baltic brewers swapped the ale yeast for lager yeasts and the Baltic Porter was born!

National Beer Can Appreciation Day - Friday, January 24, 2025

Beer cans are mundane now, but less than a century ago they were cutting edge. 90 years ago, on January 24th, 1935, the first cans of beer went on sale. Made by American Can Company, the cans were filled with The Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company’s Krueger’s Special Beer, at the (then) legal limit of 3.2% beer. 


Which one of these beer holidays in January 2025 will you be celebrating?

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