Benefits of Kaolin Clay in Soap

FAQs Soap Information

Kaolin clay is used in a variety of industries including manufacturing, medicine, farming, and even wine making. It has also become a common additive in skincare products. But why? What are the benefits of kaolin clay in soap?

Although you might not expect it, there are several benefits of kaolin clay in soap. 

One of the benefits of kaolin clay in soap is its absorbency. Kaolin clay binds to and absorbs extra oils and junk (such as sebum), which can help balance oily skin.. While some clays can be drying, one of the benefits of kaolin clay in soap is that it is gentle and doesn’t strip all of your natural oils, so individuals with skin concerns such as dryness and sensitivity can enjoy its’ benefits.

Kaolin clay also has skin-soothing properties that can help calm red or irritated skin. While its effects won’t be long-lasting or particularly strong, kaolin clay is believed to offer temporary relief from inflammation and irritation.

Kaolin clay is full of potassium, titanium, and silicon; when used, these elements are thought to encourage the formation of collagen, and stimulate skin cells to brighten and tone skin with regular use..

Another benefit of kaolin clay in soap is its’ texture. Since kaolin clay is so fine, the exfoliation it provides is almost imperceptible. While some exfoliating soaps feel grainy due to the size of the additive granules, the tiny size of kaolin clay allows it to gently exfoliate while still feeling smooth and slippery against the skin. While some individuals (like myself) enjoy a more abrasive exfoliation, the gentle exfoliation of kaolin clay makes it perfect for delicate skin areas.

When it comes to kaolin clay, there are many benefits to adding it to your beauty routine. It is gentle enough for every day use, yet effective enough to combat several common skin concerns. Since kaolin clay is vegan, all-natural, chemically inert, and extremely gentle, adverse reactions are rare. Ultimately, there are many benefits of kaolin clay in soap, while the risks are minimal. 

Looking to experience the benefits of kaolin clay? Shop our artisan soaps made with kaolin clay by clicking here!

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