Let’s face it: everyone wants good skin. While some people swear by a drugstore face wash, others spend hundreds of dollars a month on skincare. Whichever route you choose to take, there is a very good chance that tea tree oil will be present in your skincare routine. So what are the skin benefits of tea tree oil?
According to our calendars, right now we should be gluing rhinestones to our faces. While this isn’t ENTIRELY out of the ordinary for us, this would be for a special occasion: Houston Art Car Parade Weekend!
However, due to the COVID-19 crisis, the 33rd Annual Houston Art Car Parade will be virtual. The schedule includes live-streamed tours, footage of past Houston ArtCar Parades, Art Car: The Movie, and artist interviews.
As you may have noticed, activated charcoal is a regular ingredient in soaps. Not only is it inert, so it won’t trigger allergic reactions, there are many activated charcoal benefits for skin. Don’t just grab some coals and rub them on your face and expect (good) results. Here's the scoop on activated charcoal.
When deciding between fragrance oil or essential oil, it is important to understand what makes them different, as well as the pros and cons of fragrance oils vs essential oils.
They differ in how they are made, and there are several pros and cons of each. Knowing these can help you choose which is best for you.